The 5 Steps to Tame the Overwhelmed Mind book has finally arrived! Click to purchase or learn more.

5 Steps to Tame the Overwhelmed Mind

The 5STOM Method for Restoring Your Inner Equilibrium


Why do I turn small issues into big problems? 

Why do things seem to bother me more than other people? 

Why do I have this need to be right or to win, or feel devastated when things don’t go my way? 

What am I supposed to do with these intense needs and overwhelming feelings?!

To a fair extent, the quality of a person’s thoughts determines the quality of their feelings and state of being. The reverse is also true. Perhaps the trigger comes when someone unfriends you on social media, disappoints you, or you feel ignored. Maybe your favorite team loses the game, or you are late for work and frustrated by the person driving in front of you. Or, conversely, you get irritated because someone is impatiently driving too close behind you, even though you are driving the appropriate speed. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do when painful emotions bubble up.

So, when a person is left with deep feelings that never get expressed or resolved, they carry these around and often try to get by with the usual “life preservers” of modern culture: television, internet, shopping, working, smoking, legal and illegal drugs, alcohol, fatty and sweet foods, socializing and social media, staying busy, or pretending (even to oneself) that everything is just fine. Could there be another way of dealing with emotions that has somehow been overlooked?

The 5 Steps to Tame the Overwhelmed Mind book responds to this question with both a method and a visual map that will help you understand what is going on beneath the emotional overwhelm and what you can do to regain your equilibrium.

The book is for anyone 13 years old or above and presents a step-by-step process that offers a new approach to managing your “negative” emotions and the corresponding thoughts and reactions. Beyond simply satisfying your immediate feelings and needs, this method helps you gain insights and train yourself to steer away from repetitive self-limiting patterns that you have relied upon in the past. You will learn techniques for establishing emotional safety, connectedness, and creative thinking that allow you to sidestep emotional overwhelm and reconnect to positive feelings and choices.

Combining techniques and information from psychotherapy, contemplative practices, and somatic healing, the 5 Steps to Tame the Overwhelmed Mind (5STOM) book includes:

  • The 5STOM Map

  • The five Steps of the 5STOM Method

  • The 5STOM List of Essential Needs

  • Guided self-reflections and questionnaires

  • Mind-body connections through somatic awareness

The contributions of self-reflections and somatics are essential because this is where the actionable power of your agency exists. By strengthening your agency and giving you tools that engage the power of your intellect and the power of your full emotional spectrum, the 5STOM Method seeks to put a template for emotional freedom and constructive choice-making into your hands.

How do I order the book?

You can purchase 5 Steps to Tame the Overwhelmed Mind on Amazon via the link below!

On Demand Course and Instructional Videos

You can also experience the book through an On Demand Course and Instructional videos.