Throughout my career, I have marveled at the preoccupation in our culture with narcissism. Every day, you can find articles about which politician, celebrity, or athlete is “narcissistic” and why. And while that can be interesting to read about, I often wonder if it would be more helpful to look within before we judge others. In this article, I present an overview about narcissism, with particular focus on becoming more self-aware of narcissistic traits in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
How can I improve my memory?
What we are now learning about melatonin
When you think about melatonin what do you think of? Chances are you think of a dietary supplement for sleep that 3 million people in the U.S. take in any given month. In this article, I will highlight some take away points from current research that you should know if you are taking melatonin including very recent studies on how there appears to be an adverse effect of taking melatonin with food.
What can I do if I feel overwhelmed about the 2020 presidential election?
Orchestrating change for mental health
I attended my first virtual national psychiatric conference and by far my favorite session was called Me2/Classical Music for Mental Health. The session started out with about 12 musicians who were all string players. This was not an ordinary orchestra; in fact, it was quite extraordinary because about half the musicians live with the diagnoses of Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, depression, anxiety or addiction. We all know the power of music to heal for the listeners but it is also healing for the people playing too.
Unmet needs during the pandemic
Undoing the racism within
When it comes to this topic, a part of me is afraid to speak, for fear of saying the wrong thing. My sense is that most people will assume this article does not apply to them, and they would rather not explore the topic too deeply within themselves as it’s uncomfortable. And yet, I really want to share what I hope is a healing message.