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Art Meets Geography, Part 2

Art Meets Geography, Part 2

You may recall that last spring I shared an acrylic painting of North America that was based upon a dream I had. This next painting is a companion to that painting but is much simpler in design and was completed in just 4 months. At first glance, it looks like a bunch of animals surrounded by a lot of water but take a really good look at it to see if you can figure what the painting is really about. In this next article, I will highlight what this painting is based upon and discuss some of its details.

The emergence of brain stimulation in treating psychiatric disorders

The emergence of brain stimulation in treating psychiatric disorders

Early on in my psychiatry career, I would often lament about the lack of innovative treatments in psychiatry. While it was true new medications were always coming out, it seemed to me most of the time that they very similar to the ones that were already being used. However, in the last decade, that has been changing with the introduction of brain stimulation.

Dying Consciously

Dying Consciously

Over the years, I have worked with many patients who are afraid of dying and of death, and with how that fear complicates both the healthy consideration of their own death as well as their grieving process when someone close dies. In this article, I will discuss what I believe is behind these fears as well as a grassroots movement that offers a change in how we prepare for death, personally and collectively.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder and COVID-19

Body Dysmorphic Disorder and COVID-19

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a disorder marked by an obsessive idea of perceived defects or flaws in one’s appearance. A flaw that to others, is considered minor or not observable. In this next article, I will provide awareness and knowledge of BDD in the hopes of bringing people with BDD out of hiding and increase access to treatment as BDD does not go away on its own.